Sunday, February 21, 2010

It's about you!

Publication: UNICEF Alberta Newsletter

Regional Update – Alberta

It’s about you

The dictionary defines youth as someone with the appearance of freshness, vigor and spirit. Our minds are not yet contaminated with the fears, sorrows and disappointments the adult world has to offer. As we take our first steps through this life each step we take will define and nurture our very being.

In today’s world it’s easy to get lost as the news, our environment and our society leaves us disheartened. We can easily lose our vigor to make a positive change in the world. But isn’t life just a matter of perspective?

As that old adage goes, the glass can either be half empty or half full. We can either give up on life before it has even begun or we can realize that it’s our duty as youth to make a difference. Every human being is defined by their choices in life and their impact in the world.

Volunteering with UNICEF is not just about helping others, it’s about defining oneself. It’s about shaping our hearts and minds in a way that when we die we feel like we shook some leaves before we left and maybe, just maybe, leave this earth a little better then when we first got here. If we do this not only will we leave this earth with a sense of fulfillment but we’ll ensure that those around us also share the same blessing.

Let’s talk UNICEF

After reading this you might ask why I chose to volunteer with UNICEF. This is a valid question. My answer – I love the idea of kids helping kids because for me it’s easier to connect and help other youth because I am one! I get it! No one understands the emotions of a chocolate lover as good as another chocolate lover you know?

Not only that but its fun helping kids. I love kids, I love being a kid – it’s like jumping on a bed – not only is it fun but you get a good workout too! My list could go on forever but I think you get the point. So next time you want to jump on a bed, think of UNICEF Alberta and the fun you’ll have making a real difference in the lives of children and youth around the world right here in our own province!

By: UNICEF Alberta Youth Leader and Fellow Chocolate Lover

1 comment:

  1. Interesting thought!! It is easier to help or accept help when they are from someone we can relate to by age, generation, likes or dislikes.
    I love the feeling in my heart when I have helped someone.. it feels like the world is better and brighter place. It always puts a smile on my face.
    Love your whole "shake a few leaves" wording. :)
